Why is this happening? The five systemic drivers of your organization’s performance
Chasing daunting financial and operating goals, many leaders are struggling to understand why their organizations are performing as they...

Symptoms vs. root causes: a story of organizational performance, design and leadership
One of the pervasive issues in business is the common tendency for leaders and teams to address some of the presenting symptoms of an...

"Five disciplines of agile organizations" voted top idea in McKinsey Agility Hackathon
Excited to share that my submission on "the five disciplines of agile organizations" was voted last week as one of the top ideas in...

An agile way to think about markets
Industrial economy command organizations operated in protected markets. They approached these markets with a core discipline of...

Lean Strategy
Insightful article by David Collis in the latest issue of HBR. Building on his thesis, it might be useful to recognize that both top-down...

McKinsey's Agility Hackathon
Signed up for McKinsey's Agility Hackathon, a cool crowd-sourced initiative to have 1,000 people around the world co-create ideas for the...

A New Era Is Needed for Leadership Development
Howard Prager shares some insightful comments in three blog posts on ATD about new approaches to leadership development. Key elements...

Getting beyond the BS of leadership literature
Jeffrey Pfeffer offers a thoughtful take on the real skills senior leaders need to be successful in today's environment - and the reading...

Rita Gunther McGrath's insights on high-performing organizations
While the research was done a few years ago, the lessons in McGrath's How The Growth Outliers Do It remain compelling - organizations...

Reinventing Organizations
Business leaders who aspire to build the great organizations of the next few decades should pay close attention to Frederic Laloux's...