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Home > Mission

Mission: Michael's mission is to help catalyze the emergence of agile organizations - open, human-centered and digitally-enabled, designed to unleash human potential and deliver sustained high performance in the digital economy. 


Operational model: Michael works with clients and partners to build a community of champions and practitioners, co-create and share knowledge, and conduct learning-doing interventions to help leadership teams accelerate performance and value through designing, building and leading agile organizations.


Roles: to execute this operational model and accomplish this mission, Michael contributes to clients and partners in ten ways:


  • Thought partner - offering strategic thinking to co-create agile strategies, organizations and leaders


  • Content provider - providing powerful content for leadership and organization development initiatives


  • Instructional designer - designing high-impact learning-doing experiences that translate into performance 


  • Workshop facilitator - leading workshops that enable leaders to develop and begin applying new knowledge


  • Executive and team coach - working with leaders individually and collectively to enhance effectiveness


  • Engagement leader - designing and leading initiatives to enhance financial and operating performance 


  • Keynote speaker - educating and inspiring groups at events and conferences 


  • Article and social media author - sharing knowledge online and in print 


  • Marketing partner - co-creating events and initiatives to build interest and awareness 


  • Network connector - attracting and fostering collaboration amongst champions and practitioners



© 2016 Michael Lurie

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